318 Chestnut St, Roselle Park, NJ 07204
Thank you for making us # 1 in Union County for Medical Ear Piercing!
Same Day Appointments Available
(This service is 'Open to All' i.e. you do not have be an established patient to avail this service)

Medical ear piercing for infants, babies and children is now available at Oscar Pediatrics your top pediatricians’ for Union County and Westfield. Our pediatrician have years of experience in offering exceptional ear piercing services by using hygienic procedures and safest possible techniques to avoid infections. We proudly serve families from Cranford, Westfield, Garwood, Clark, Scotch Plains, Mountainside, Springfield, NJ and surrounding towns.
Our medical ear piercing service is for ANYONE (from ages 2 months - 17 years) Who Might Be Interested i.e. you do NOT have to be an existing patient to avail this service.
In Westfield & Union County, our ear piercing is a self-pay procedure. All related fees will NOT be billed to the Insurance Company. All payments for this service are due at the time if the visit.
We also offer pre-procedure topical anesthesia, which is not available in non-medical settings. If you would like topical anesthesia, please inform staff while scheduling your appointment.
Please call to make an appointment. We do NOT take Walk-ins.
To avoid cross-contamination, we only pierce with Sterile Cartridges sold to physicians ONLY. It is our policy not to use any other piercing material.
All patients must provide written consent to get their ears pierced, and a parent or guardian must consent in-person for patients who are minors.
We decided on Blomdahl Medical Ear Piercing. (http://www.blomdahlusa.com) after extensive research for the best available medical ear piercing product.
Here is why:
Blomdahl has been designed from a medical standpoint, using modern technology and medical grade, safe materials, which help to facilitate healing quickly.
It is available ONLY through physicians. We provide your child with a safer and more sanitary alternative to the mall or jewelry store. This ensures the safest possible ear piercing experience.
Blomdahl is a sterile system where a disposable cartridge is replaced with every piercing and uses medical-grade plastic or titanium piercing studs to reduce the chance of an allergic reaction.
IIn a medical office, you have professional care from doctors trained in sterile technique and wound management.
We now carry a large variety of Blomdahl (post piercing) Earrings at discounted prices! Please inquire within.
We now carry a large variety of Blomdahl (post piercing) Earrings at discounted prices! Please inquire within.

How old must my child be?
Children must be older than 2 months to receive medical ear piercings.
How much will it cost?
The service and earrings cost $60 for one ear and $95 for both ears if you choose Medical PLASTIC. The service and earrings cost $65 for one ear and $125 for both ears if you choose Medical TITANIUM. Topical anesthetic (optional) for the piercing procedure is included in this price. We charge $20 at the time of appointment to hold your slot. Rest is collected at the time of the visit.
How to care for newly pierced ears?
Beware of few instructions to take care during the healing period to avoid further infections.
Avoid touching pierced ears with unclean hands.
Wash newly pierced ears twice a day with liquid soap.
Use cotton swabs or clean towel to dry the piercing ears after cleaning/showering.
Do not remove earrings during the healing period.
Check for the signs of infection for the first few days.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Oscar Pediatrics at (908)653-1001.
You can also visit http://www.blomdahlusa.com for more information about the medical ear piercing product.